blog entry #8 - otamatone
12/05/22 - Monday - 2:11 pm
this is about to be a super short entry but!! i just wanted to ramble about the otamatone. if you don't know what it is, it's basically like a handheld synthesizer, and you can change the tone of the noises it makes. you have to squeeze it's mouth open for noise to be louder, it's really cute. just look at this thing!!

i have the kirby version and it's honestly super cool. i wish i hadn't spent 45$ on it but that's beside the point. it was worth it!! it's so fun to just mess around with and pretend i know how music works for a few minutes. it's a great time waster just playing random stuff on it
i think there's also a miku and hello kitty version and i got the miku originally, then realized there was a kirby and changed my mind because why not! to the fye employee that helped me im sorry i came back in like four different times to browse the store im sure it was probably weird
umm anyways more ramblings coming soon im just busy with school and. stuff i guess
signing off, atlas ♥